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Social Work and Practice

1. 76th World Health Assembly, 2023.05

2. UNICEF internship on innovation and digital health, 2023.08-2024.01

  • Project Management Intern at Product Innovation Centre of UNICEF Supply Division (Copenhagen, Denmark).
  • Work for UNICEF App Catalogue, which includes quality apps for children’s well-being, spanning health, education, nutrition, and sanitation.

3. International Volunteer for Free Lunch at Kenya Slum, 2024.07-2024.08

  • Team leader of “Free Lunch for Children” Program.
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of lunch program for 14 primary school students in Mathare Slum in Nairobi, Kenya, Africa.
  • Guest speaker in China-Africa Social Welfare and Cooperation Forum.

4. Global Health Deep Dive by Gates Foundation, 2022.04

  • On behalf of Tsinghua students to participate in “Global Health” comminations with Bill Gates, public health professors, and around 30 postgraduates around the world.

5. Baidu Intelligent medical Department, 2022.06-2022.08

  • Intern in Baidu (one of the biggest Internet companies in China).
  • Participate the design work and market research of a health digital product combining AI and ultrasound.

6. Tsinghua University Student Association of Public Health, 2022.09-2023.06

7. Capital of Statistics, 2018.05-present

  • Core member of Capital of Statistics, the biggest community of statistics and data science in China.
  • Secretary-general of “13th R Conference in China”, a national conference oriented with statistics and data science. Parallel sessions included medical health, biostatistics, social media, ecological environment, software tool, machine learning, and so on.

8. Beijing Olympic Winter Games, 2021.12-2022.03

  • Volunteer in the COVID-19 Liaison Office.
  • Serve as the team leader of the Nucleic Acid Testing Team to help COVID-19 prevention.

9. Beijing Boya Wisdom Technology Co., LTD, 2020.08-2020.11

  • Intern.
  • Produce courses related to Big Data and Artificial Intelligence (mainly related to natural language processing).